“The amazing reality of things is my everyday discovery.
(…) Just to hear the wind pass is worth being born.”
With an easy smile and bright eyes, I believe that life is much more than what we think and can see. During my life, I went along paths (not always planned) of search and encounter, rooting and change, error and success. I am a woman “in a rush”, constantly learning how to integrate more consciously work, parenting, love and self-care.
With Mindfulness, I found a way of living (all) life with more calm, greater presence and depth. It is through sharing what I believe, learn and experience that I found myself and I marvel. With me. With others. With life.
My inspirations
Healthcare and Well being
Contributing to give people a better quality of life has been a motivation, a purpose and a very present choice in my life.
Although I started with a very technical and scientific approach with my degree in Pharmacy and the 20 years that followed in the Pharmaceutical Industry, I soon understood that these concepts of health and well-being, although fundamental, are subjective, dense, complex and require a broad and complementary approach.
I feel that I continue to fulfill the same purpose, but more fully, by reconciling the rigorous vision of my scientific area with the knowledge and experience I have gained and using new approaches on the well-being of people, being their personal or professional context.
Mindfulness has come into my life, as I usually say, out of necessity. The tools I knew before were sold out during a challenging period filled with change, big (self) demand, and physical, mental and emotional exhaustion.
With the practice of Mindfulness, life went on with all that is part of it, but I learned to see and experience it differently. Observing, welcoming, breathing, living!
That which is a natural and simple competence – to be consciously present at the moment, observing with curiosity and without judgment – becomes a challenging practice within the autopilot we all ride.
Mindfulness had and still has a huge impact on my life, but it’s not a panacea. It is a constant practice, an intention and a choice that I keep making every day.
Conscious Parenting
I became a mother in 2005 and this new role in my life soon took on an overwhelming dimension! The unconditional love I felt, the desire to do and be at my best- and at the same time the fear of failure made me develop emotional tools and seek inspiration in ways of being and educating more consciously, more in line with my own intentions, with my values and beliefs and less guided by the fear and opinion of others.
Recognize my daughter’s needs and recognize my own needs, cultivate authenticity and respect, allowing vulnerability and nurturing the connection has been an ongoing process throughout her (or mine?) growth.
In 2015, inspired by the work of Mikaela Owen, I decided to deepen my learning and became a Certified Facilitator of Conscious Parenting, accompanying other families and educators in this process.
“The little things? The little moments? They aren’t little!”