
Amy Edmondson | It is always on the leader to go first and create psychological safety

(Video in English, subtitles in Portuguese and Spanish)

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When a leader takes responsibility, acknowledges
"I can see that there were things
that I did that made it difficult for you to come to me".

Rather, I think there is a spontaneous tendency to say:
“Why didn’t you come to me?”,
rather than stopping to think
“I wonder what I did that made it difficult for you to come to me”.

Because I will assume that you are well intentioned, right.
I also assume that you are smart
so if if it didn’t work out,
if there wasn’t psychological safety,
there it is on me
and I think it is always on the leader to go first
and to do what he or she can to create psychological safety.
The ability for people to come to work

and speak up about what they know, what they don’t know,
what they see, what they are worried about
is absolutely mission critical
to success in a knowledge economy.
The School of We

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