Inspirational Quotes

Pope Francisco | Only by educating people to a true fraternity will we be able to overcome the “culture of waste”

(Video in Italian with subtitles in English, Portuguese and Spanish) More videos in our YouTube Channel “How wonderful it would be if fraternity, such a beautiful and at times inconvenient word, were not simply reduced to social work but, became instead, the default attitude in political, economic and scientific choices, as well as in the relationships […]

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Mikaela Övén | Emotional literacy is also about having an empathic capacity for the other’s emotions

(Video in Portuguese, subtitles in English and Spanish) More videos in our YouTube Channel When we started this…I think that many times when people finally decide to share,sometimes it is in a very spontaneous wayand it comes out in a very rough wayand that does not promote approximation.But even when it is very conscious,we forget that […]

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Nipun Mehta | Hold space with life in front of you with attention, with care, with compassion

(Video in English, subtitles in Portuguese and Spanish) More videos in our YouTube Channel Even, you know, they used to say,even attention, even a simple thing like paying attentionis now a scarce commodity in our world.It used to be that goldfish had the shortest attention spanof all living things right.And now we have replaced them at […]

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