
How mindfulness can make you a better leader

We live in an era where globalization and advancing technological changes create a lot of volatility and uncertainty. This requires for cognitive and emotional resources to improve resilience and stress management, facilitate adaptation to change and increase creativity. Leading organizations are waking up to this new challenge and are putting Mindfulness at the centre of […]

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The Story of the Starfishes

One morning, an elderly man was walking along the beach when he noticed a young boy picking something off the sand and throwing it into the sea. As he got closer, the man realized the child was throwing stranded starfishes that had washed up on the shore back into the breaking waves. Approaching the boy, […]

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There is a time for everything

To everything There is a season And a time to every purpose, under heaven. A time to be born, a time to die.A time to plant, a time to reap.A time to kill, a time to heal.A time to laugh, a time to weep. A time to build up, a time to break down.A time to dance, […]

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A little wave

A little wave was bobbing along in the ocean and was having a grand old time. He was enjoying the wind and the fresh air as it traveled– until he noticed that all the other waves in front of him were crashing against the shore. “Oh My God, this is terrible,” The little wave thought. […]

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I am not I, by Juan Ramón Jimenez

I am not I. I am this one walking beside me whom I do not see, whom at times I manage to visit, and whom at other times I forget; the one who remains silent while I talk, the one who forgives, sweet, when I hate, the one who takes a walk when I am […]

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Simon Sinek | When the smartphone is out it makes people around us feel that they are less important

(Video in English, subtitles in Spanish and Portuguese) More videos in our YouTube Channel What if I hold my phone while I am talking to you?I am not checking it, it’s not buzzing, it’s not beeping.I’m not even…Nothing, I’m just holding it.Do you feel at this momentthat you are the most important thing right now?No, you do […]

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Latif’s story, by Jorge Bucay

Latif was the poorest beggar in a middle eastern village. Every night he slept in the hall of a different house, facing the city’s central square. Every day he lay under a different tree, his hand outstretched and his gaze lost in thought. Every afternoon he ate from the alms or the crumbs that some […]

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The School of We

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